John Waite " Three strong shows back to back!! Feels great. Slept hard last night. Dreamed of NYC . Two days off in Philly. Old Town and a wander no doubt. What a life. I'm thankfull for all the people who come to the shows and the people I play with!!"
Januari 19th 2013.
New unique video material of the Babys
Like The Babys live performance for Isn't It Time on Top of The Pops.
But also The Babys perfoming White Lightning and Back On My Feet Again in Dutch TV Show called TOPPOP.
Not yet featured before ( just a 1 minute clip till now) the full video for John Waite's 2006 single release The Hard Way!!
Rick Springfield& John Waite:
Great Insights new John Waite Radio Interview November 17th 2012
Mature new radio Interview with John Waite giving insights in his relationships with band members, his still vivid wish to marry and settle down.
John almost got married two years ago again. If You Ever Get Lonely is about that pain of losing that love! John doesnt reveal the name of the woman though. John is to sincere to da that. It's all about Integrity.
But also on the guitarplayer of The Babys, with whom he almost never spoke in the five years in The Babys. John never mentions the name. And what John would have done now, in the same situation. What did John learn ? a lot.
Live as a lead singer and the many women he met. But also about art and that democracy in a band doesnt lead to better art! being self critical. Well one has to hear this honest interview surely. Take the time and enjoy.
Wouter Kramer.
August 13th.
This is the release of London Town. As a well written tribute to the beautiful British city.
This is a fabulous, fantastic, formidable, pristine, christal clear composition. With story telling lyrics describing every elementary detail of the city.
It's like a walk in the city!!
The melody is embraced with care by the British most leading vocalist.
With a flavour of Beatles influences!
From the same string of songs written at the same time in New York: I've got faith, Extasy, How did I get by Without You and Julia.
John Waite with Bad English acousticly playing the #1 hit solo for John Waite Missing You
NOVEMBER 3th 2012.
This is a very rare unique and fragile performance done by John Waite, Ringo Starr, Sheila E. Paul Carrack, Colin Hay ( Men At Work) and Mark Revira( Bily Joel)
The most remarkable aspect is that John Waite only once performed this 2001 release ( Figure In A Landscape) with the All Starr Band.
This was in New York at the Radio City Hall. This song is to be considered as a heartfelt sincere tribute from John to the beautiful city of New York and its beautiful people.
What makes this version really extraordinary is the crystal clear, magnificent and vulnerable way John Waite hits the notes and underlying emotions in this song. One can feel the feelings that John Waite felt writing this song in your heart. It touches deep inside.
If you really want to find out the true meaning of how one of the best ever rock voices sounds at its best, this is your chance!
Please welcome and enjoy!
John Waite and the Ringo Starr All Starr Band.
Five minutes of perfectness, lasts forever.
Oct 15th 2012 The Iridium shows in New York.
New York: start spreading the news !!
These shows were on October 5th and 6th 2012.
You'll find here:
And pictures.
Pics, video's and setlists are from Stacey, Kerry, Diana, me and others I'm not sure of!
I wanna thank: Richard , Luke, Kerry, Sam, Michelle, Irma, Liss, Diana, Margret,Nicolásand the others that were there and made these shows for us unforgettable! thank you!!
The Australian Tour has been postponed till March 2013.And possibly Japan will be included in that tour too!!
Due to unforeseeable circumstances, John Waite’s Australian concert-tour in November has been postponed until March 2013.These shows are currently being rescheduled and the new dates will be announced shortly. All tickets purchased will be valid for the rescheduled shows.
John Waite- TV on Location -Avalon-Man Down Productions Team Up
John Waite Rough and Tumble Tour 2012
We sat down for a chat with John Waite on the Latest Stop of his Current Tour.
The Baby's,Union Jacks, Recording Memories ,Early childhood exposure to music.
Fifties Rock n Roll ,Burlesque Chicks and the Rockers who crooned about their curves. Early inspiration for John Waite.His Music a standard for my Teen Years with Kiss and Black Sabbath .Walking around campus with Paul Barrie who had some sort of radio cassette player .Back when I was in 7th and 8th grade attending St Lucy's In Campbell.His music was played on both Am And FM radio.John has a way of telling a story and weaving some catchy words that will invade your mind like some infection. Heart-Wrenching Songs that express sadness and have a last glimmer of hope healing from a broken heart. hahaha no really some of his songs can make me a mess when I am alone.
John has new music out and spoke about his duet with Alison Krauss.
You have to check out the new song from Rough and Tumble it is really good a rocker anthem type.
Then you get hit hard by the John Waite Standards!!! This video is a must see for the fans.
I met some folks at the concert who were interested in the fact that I was filming..All of them had some great stories .Personal memories and they really love John Waite's Music.This video is for you folks The John Waite Fans!! Done with Love for the Music and Man. Thanks for all the memories John in a way your Music made my Teen Years tolerable and I thank you for it.
August 23th 2012!!
New Live Album Announced
John Waite and his band consisting Tim Hogan on Bass, Kelli Kerri on lead guitar and Rhondo on drums will cut a new live album in a few weeks time.
This album will be recorded Sept. 25-26 at Philly Sound Studios in Philadelphia PA.
This show will be hosted by Jacky Bam Bam
August 13th.
This is the release of London Town. As a well written tribute to the beautiful British city.
Written by John Waite and Mark Spiro.
This is a fabulous, fantastic, formidable, pristine, christal clear composition. With story telling lyrics describing every elementary detail of the city.
It's like a walk in the city!!
The melody is embraced with care by the British most leading vocalist.
With a flavour of Beatles influences!
From the same string of songs written at the same time in New York: I've got faith, Extasy, How did I get by Without You and Julia.
John Waite has just finished a four in a row tour in florida, John says:
''Four in a row!! Great shows! Band is playing great ! Voice in great shape! Thinking of turning pro !! Happy !!!'' and " Great crowd in Clearwater ! Packed !! Loud! Onto Boca !!"
For the first review and pictures @ The Plaza Live Theatre:
The Plaza Live Theater
And the videos and pictures from The Capital Theatre @ Clearwater Florida @ Jun the 8th 2012
Clearwater Florida 060812
Surf and Song Festival in Centenial Park, Fort Myers, Florida 03-30-12
John Waite and his band consisting of Tim Hogan on Bass, Shaun Hague on guitars and Rhondo on drums played a charity event for chidren with autism at Surf and Song Festival in Centenial Park, Fort Myers, Florida 03-30-12 Extra was the performance with Johnny Reznick ( Goo Goo Dolls) This was a fantastic extra. They shared the stage together with ''give a little bit'' the Supertramp release and '' american girl'' which is original for Tom Petty. Special also When I see You Smile sing along with the crowd, awesome Enjoy !! First Midnight Rendez Vous/ head First
American Girl with Johnny Reznick ( Goo Goo Dolls)
Give a little bit
Everytime I Think Of You
When I See You Smile ( sing along)
March 26th 2012
A almost full video covery from the concert from the 24th @ Marquee 15 in Corona, CA
Watch the full show here :@
@ Marquee 15 in Corona, CA
March 24th 2012
John Waite as guest speaker @ Rockstar Marketing Bootcamp by Craig Duswalt
Written by Trish Ellis
The venue was a Rockstar Marketing Bootcamp created by Craig Duswalt, a marketing expert who was Axl Rose’s personal manager at the height of the Guns N Roses (GNR) fame.
Early in the program we were treated to a small and intimate concert with John Waite. If the name doesn’t ring a bell – think back to the 80’s. He was in the group The Baby’s, Bad English and had a successful solo career belting out the famous tune "Missing you” among many others. He performed in a small ballroom for our group with 4 other guitarist’s at his side. Rocking us all back into our past he treated us to an intimate symphony of his poetic songs and his angelic voice.
a private concert by John Waite at Craig Duswalt's Rockstar Marketing Bootcamp 2012-03-16 02:55:18
John Waite
Afterwards he remained on stage to answer our questions. I was astounded by the deep, well thought inquiries that emerged from the audience. Oprah would have been proud of the questions we bounced off this trusting man. The Q & A resulted in us discovering that John is far more than just an amazing voice.
As the evening concluded I felt honored to ask John the final question of the event. It seemed fitting to ask where he expected the remainder of his journey in life to take him. His response was rather interesting. He replied that he didn’t know? There was mention of coffee and that he had no specific intention other than allowing the uncertainty of his life to unfold. He spoke about the opportunity that lies within every new turn that presents itself to us. He simply trusted that inside the uncertainty of his life was the certainty there was a greater meaning waiting to present itself. The evening ended with the crowd feeling entertained, inspired and deeply grounded by this man’s connection to himself.
Video of the Rockstar Camp with John Waite
About Yesterday's Heroes, which turned into Back On My Feet Again.
Februari 10Th 2012 -->relaunch of '' If You Ever get lonely''
John started out the second leg on his USA Rough and Tumble Tour
Some information sent directly by John Waite and Tim Hogan!
First Rhondo ( Drummer) and John Waite positioned by the Tourbus.
For the East Coast tour!! Tim at the wheels
John Waite with Greg Kihn ( our love is in jeopardy, baby)
With Shaun Hague in california
With Mark and Brian
24 december 2012
John Waite @ The Kings Head with Peter
Wishing you all a Merry X-mas!
Came back to Santa Monica to check on my place and get my mail. It was
my first day here for three weeks so I strolled down to the ocean
thinking I'd unwind in the sunshine. Maybe feed the birds or finish '
Bound For Glory' Woody Guthries milestone book, get inspired.
Something healthy. relaxing, quiet....... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I made it as ... far as 'Ye Old Kings Head ' ( the english pub ). I always get
suspicious when they have the blinds drawn. From the sidewalk it looks
like the C.I.A. are having a quiet get together. Boys night out sort
of thing ( day time version ) Maybe the K.K.K. having a couple of
Shirley Temples! They even have A.A. meetings there! I'm not kidding.
( thats about as dry as british humor gets ) Either way it says "
something very strange is going on in here, if you come inside, get
ready " I " got ready", I went inside. It was as dark as a cave,just
as cool and packed with Brits in the middle of a live football match
broadcast by satellite. Good stuff! I can relate to this I thought. In
fact it's just what I need. Without a moments hesitation I ordered a
pint of Guinness and took my place at the bar. A band of brothers,
joined together in our love of "the beautiful game" What better way to
pass an afternoon I thought to myself. A little piece of England. Cold
Guinness! Pub food, Bliss. The afternoon was spent in the soothing
darkness of The Kings' and the soothing darkness of stout. It's a guy
thing. It really is. Once in awhile you just have to do it. If it had
been sunday, I would have ordered a roast beef lunch. Called my mum,
put my feet up and put off till tomorrow whatever it is that needs
putting off till tomorrow. I know the manager; Peter, I know most of
the staff. Whenever I'm back it's where I go to first. The whole place
says "welcome home " It's a little bit of england by the pacific. It's
one of the great things about living in what really is an english
colony. Santa Monica is being over developed. The super rich are
moving in. Where there were once vacant lots there are now luxury
condos. The homeless, who most people here know by their first names
are moved on. The third street prom' is loaded with chain stores.
What next? Who cares. There will always be the Kings Head and a
football game on the T.V. And it will always be a little piece of
england as long as they put those blinds up, hunker down, drink cold
pints of beer and cheer on a team five thousand miles away. Lovely,
God save the Queen!
16 december 2011
John Waite- Bay Area Backstage TV on Location -Avalon-Man Down Productions Team Up
John Waite Rough and Tumble Tour 2011.
We sat down for a chat with John Waite on the Latest Stop of his Current Tour.
The Baby's,Union Jacks, Recording Memories ,Early childhood exposure to music.
Fifties Rock n Roll ,Burlesque Chicks and the Rockers who crooned about their curves. Early inspiration for John Waite.His Music a standard for my Teen Years with Kiss and Black Sabbath .Walking around campus with Paul Barrie who had some sort of radio cassette player .Back when I was in 7th and 8th grade attending St Lucy's In Campbell.His music was played on both Am And FM radio.John has a way of telling a story and weaving some catchy words that will invade your mind like some infection. Heart-Wrenching Songs that express sadness and have a last glimmer of hope healing from a broken heart. hahaha no really some of his songs can make me a mess when I am alone.
John has new music out and spoke about his duet with Alison Krauss.
You have to check out the new song from Rough and Tumble it is really good a rocker anthem type.
Then you get hit hard by the John Waite Standards!!! This video is a must see for the fans.
I met some folks at the concert who were interested in the fact that I was filming..All of them had some great stories .Personal memories and they really love John Waite's Music.This video is for you folks The John Waite Fans!! Done with Love for the Music and Man. Thanks for all the memories John in a way your Music made my Teen Years tolerable and I thank you for it.
John Waite performs his new single ''if you ever get lonely'' on Fox19 Boston!
November 9th- 2011.
This is TV interview that John Waite did on Fox19 news
November 4th- 2011
John says after the show @ ziggy’s Winston Salem NC ''First night. Tims amp blew in the opening song! The band bit down hard and the whole thing took off Skyward !! Voice is in good form!! great night !!!!!
You just got to love the south !,,
October 30Th-2011
John Waite performed live at Barnes & Noble Santa Monica.
On could hear the award-winning artist and purchase a signed copy of his new CD, Rough & Tumble.
This performance was saturday October 29.
John and his band Shaun Haque- guitars, Tim Hogan-bass ( the man in black) had a great time at the in store performance. The audience loved them !!
thanks to Sheri Hastings for the videos!!
October 29th- 2011
John Waite @ Mark and Brian (KLOS)
John Waite and Shaun Haque and Tim Hogan were at the Mark and Brian show last thursday october 27th.
John Did an interesting and humerous interview with his friends Mark and Brian! and sang a few songs.
Offcourse If You Ever get lonely, the new single release for the USA , but also '' Im so lonesome i could Cry'' thats an Hank Williams song and a special version of Change.
CD Signing
John Waite performs live at Barnes & Noble Santa Monica.Hear the award-winning artist and purchase a signed copy of his new CD, Rough & Tumble.
Saturday October 29, 2011 4:00 PM
3rd Street Promenade 1201 3rd Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401, 310-260-9110
Dutch article by Chris van Oostrom translated in English by Etty van der Kamp !
John Waite doesn’t have the feeling anymore, that he must proove something. ‘IMPERFECTION MAKES THE THINGS JUST FINE.’ In the the seventies John Waite shined as frontman and most important songwriter of the Baby’s in what we gradually named power-ballads. Also as the singer of Bad English he would in the following decade profile himself as the virile macho with the little heart. But on his new solo-cd‘Rough & Tumble’ is the big romantic gesture exchanged for the pure kick of playing. As the title already indicate, is the tenth soloalbum of the Americanized Englishman also his most rough-granular one . No cosmetic keyboard-carpets or broad- image production, but practially pure,honest traderock on bluesbasis and a sober acoustic ballad as close-down. The sound reminds even more than once to that of the earlier Free. Do we have to do here maybe with a clean state? "Really for me every album marks a new beginning” Waite states with a smile”That is also because they all almost have another thematic focus. So the album ’Temple Bar’ was about New York, midlife-crisis, drugs, sex and a spiritual desire of what make sense. By day I Iived those songs, at night I recorded them. This new cd however excisted that quick, that I had no time to think about a leading thread. It all excisted quite spontaneous in the studio. I’m glad you mentioned the Free, because I very much loved that band and certainly the titelsong and ‘ Further the sky’ have a simular direct live-sound. It was not supposed to sound smoot and perfect, because than you loose the human aspect. Imperfection makes the things just fine. And the older I get, the less I am disposed to still compromise for the benefit of the business. Looking back I found The Baby’s at their best, when we kept it clean. Synthesizers have been the death-blow for rock’n’roll. I find it mess. After he laborious started his solo-career in 1982, two years later he found his jar with gold at the end of the rainbow, in the shape of the mid-tempo ballad ‘Missing you’, the ultimate song of the teased romanticist. It became a number 1-hit in America and since John is stucked on it. Without any bad grace, so it seems ’Last year we played in Belgium and afterwards the drummer said to me:’ Hey, we didn’t play ‘Missing you’. Totally forgotten and nobody who had complained about it. Nevertheless we jumped on stage again and still played it as encore. The crowd had turned topsy turvy. And let us be quite honest, without ‘Missing you’ we now probably wouldn’t have taken this conversation. I am already glad, ever made something that is so good, that I can sing it every evening without getting sick of it, and matters a lot for many people. Allthough in the recent past he more than once expressed from one day to the other to be able to decide to quit the rockworld, Waite is not thinking about that for the time being. ‘ There is still so much to do. Recording this album felt like fire-off a gun to make the stopped barrel get free again. This kind of songs I had not written for a long time. Writing a song nowadays, than that is indefeasible of me. You must be able to hear the man, who got through what he sings. I have the feeling with this cd that I have affected the new phase in my career and that the next album certainly can be the best. But I have not got the faintest notion what will be ahead. You can not endless flying around the world. There is nothing gracefull on all that travelling. People always talk about the being on the way in very romantic terms, but the road is not more than a narrow speed who connects departure and end-destination with eachother. It is a no man’s land and it isn’t good for you to sojourn there for long. I always had a certain kind of lust for roam, but there comes a point that you have seen it. I really can stay busy, making music while I’m at home. I think that I am allowed to say I’ve always been faithfull to myself and therefor I don’t have that much to prove anymore. Dutch article by Chris van Oostrom
September 6th-2011
New song 5:15 on Licorice Pizza Hi everybody.
We posted a clip of the song John sang for the Rodger Carter album5:15. You should really take the chance and listen to this great version!!
This is what John said about this song:
Roger Carter sent a track I sang on for his upcoming album. A great version of 5:15 by The Who. I sang it at least six months ago and had almost put it out of my mind. It's good!